Extra Utility API

Handling interstellar reddening


This generate an interpolation over the parameter space where the models from Koester, D. 2010; MSAI 81, 921 and Trembley & Bergeron 2010; ApJ696, 1755 cover. The extinction is computed for each filter available from the Montreal photometry grid by convolving their filter profile with the publicly available spectra at each temperature from the Koester models.

See http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/newov2/index.php?models=koester2, WDPhotTools/extinction/generate_extinction_table.py and WDPhotTools/filter_response/


This generates an interpolation using the pre-computed table from Schlafly et al. 2012 for a 7000K, log_Z = -1, and log_g = 4.5 source.

Some utility class/functions


Get the 15.8655 & 84.1345 percentile of the samples returned by emcee.


Get the 1 standard deviation uncertainty of the results returned by least_squares().


Load the MS lifetime CSV files