Atmosphere Model Reader API

class WDPhotTools.atmosphere_model_reader.AtmosphereModelReader[source]

Handling the formatting of different atmosphere models

interp_am(dependent='G3', atmosphere='H', independent=['logg', 'Mbol'], logg=8.0, interpolator='CT', kwargs_for_RBF={}, kwargs_for_CT={})[source]

This function interpolates the grid of synthetic photometry and a few other physical properties as a function of 2 independent variables, the Default choices are ‘logg’ and ‘Mbol’.

  • dependent (str (Default: 'G3')) – The value to be interpolated over. Choose from: ‘Teff’, ‘logg’, ‘mass’, ‘Mbol’, ‘BC’, ‘U’, ‘B’, ‘V’, ‘R’, ‘I’, ‘J’, ‘H’, ‘Ks’, ‘Y_mko’, ‘J_mko’, ‘H_mko’, ‘K_mko’, ‘W1’, ‘W2’, ‘W3’, ‘W4’, ‘S36’, ‘S45’, ‘S58’, ‘S80’, ‘u_sdss’, ‘g_sdss’, ‘r_sdss’, ‘i_sdss’, ‘z_sdss’, ‘g_ps1’, ‘r_ps1’, ‘i_ps1’, ‘z_ps1’, ‘y_ps1’, ‘G2’, ‘G2_BP’, ‘G2_RP’, ‘G3’, ‘G3_BP’, ‘G3_RP’, ‘FUV’, ‘NUV’, ‘age’.

  • atmosphere (str (Default: 'H')) – The atmosphere type, ‘H’ or ‘He’.

  • independent (list (Default: ['logg', 'Mbol'])) – The parameters to be interpolated over for dependent.

  • logg (float (Default: 8.0)) – Only used if independent is of length 1.

  • interpolator (str (Default: 'RBF')) – Choose between ‘RBF’ and ‘CT’.

  • kwargs_for_RBF (dict (Default: {"neighbors": None,) – “smoothing”: 0.0, “kernel”: “thin_plate_spline”, “epsilon”: None, “degree”: None,}) Keyword argument for the interpolator. See scipy.interpolate.RBFInterpolator.

  • kwargs_for_CT (dict (Default: {'fill_value': -np.inf,) – ‘tol’: 1e-10, ‘maxiter’: 100000}) Keyword argument for the interpolator. See scipy.interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator.

Return type:

A callable function of CloughTocher2DInterpolator.


Print the formatted list of parameters available from the atmophere models.